Pauline is a medical anthropologist, political scientist and visual artist with a background in documentary film production and curating film festivals. She is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex. In her work she combines social science and visual arts to explore public secrets, particularly around migration, sexual and reproductive health, cultural heritage and invasive species. She creates multi-media installations, often with interactive performance elements. Pauline has a passion for experiments, such as creating sculptures out of translucent biodegradable plastic, plastic waste and children’s toys, and then making colour photograms of the resulting arrangements. As a social scientist she applies a unique affective engagement approach to research uptake. She is currently expanding her artistic skills as a part-time student at Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Pauline has a longstanding technical collaboration with Menno Sabel (, a photographer specialised in analogue photography techniques.

You can find Pauline at

 and the Institute for Development Studies